July 17, 2021, Saturday, Cedar Point with the Clarks

This is the big Cedar Point Weekend with Anne and the grand kids on Annie. We planned to meet at Cedar Point. We came up yesterday so we could get Annie ready for a quick departure after the Trustee Meeting. I should have known things would not go according to plan when water dripped on my pillow at 4:00 AM. Kerry and I taped up a garbage bag with masking tape and all was well until 5:30 when the masking tape let go and water started falling again on the pillow. This time I went out in the rain to my back locker and got a roll of Gorilla tape which ended the taping problem with the bag.

Our plan was to attend the meeting and sell items from the Ship's Store before and afterwards. Kerry set the store up last night. I got up at 7:30 to shower, but first a weather check. I did not like what I saw. Winds were now forecast to be 18 to 20 knots from the NE. Where did the 5-15 forecast go? The winds were forecast to start building at 8:00. The were calm now. Time for a quick decision. I felt if we did not go now we would not go at all. We decided to go and told Anne what we were up to. So Kerry packed up the Ship's Store sale and we cast off at 8:00. This meant I would miss my chance at a Saturday donut - darn.

The trip was a difficult 18.2 miles. 14.5 were in the open waters before we hit the break wall. The waves went from nothing to 3-4 feet on the way. I ran at 2200 RPM's, fast for Annie, and we averaged 10.2 knots in the open water. At once point we were surfing along at 14 and 15 knots. Our top speed was 16.1. Wow!

The refrigerator spilled its contents soon after we started. The table on the top deck came loose. I did not want to go up there so I used an extension cord to make an extra tie. Just as I was thinking that the chairs were riding good, they came loose. I did have to go outside to secure them, but not up on top, fortunately. Luckily as the wind built it shifted more to the NE from the N which made our ride better -  waves less on the beam. 

One huge wave hit us and threw me against the door on the leeward side of Annie. Previously I had thought about opening that door to let wind it, but decided it might be too dangerous to have it open. A very good decision as it turned out! We docked with no trouble and straightened and cleaned the boat up and soon there was no evidence of a rough voyage. When I called in to get our dock assignment the guy said we were too early. I told him if we had not left early we would not be here at all!

Anne and the kids arrived about noon. It was now a sunny and beautiful day. Kerry made egg salad sandwiches which we enjoyed on the top deck. She called them deviled egg sandwiches cause they might not like egg salad! We had a big pack of juices for them to drink all weekend. Then it was off to the marina pool. It's a nice pool and it even has a hot tub. Kids and water - such fun. 

Kerry and I went back to Annie about 3:00. We visited with Jim and Karla Cardwell from VYC who were docked across from us. Back on the boat we prepared a dinner for our hungry brood. We had leftover pizza squares, fruit, veggies and cheese and crackers, again on the top deck. 

Then it was time for the park and rides. Challenged height was an issue for the boys. Aubrey was tall enough to ride all the rides, but they were not. This bummed Andrew out as he wanted to ride all the big ones. Grayson was less adventurous so he was OK riding the smaller ones. This made for a problem for Anne who wanted to ride the bigger ones with Aubrey. She seldom gets to do this as she is usually alone at the park, so we took the boys and Anne set off with Aubrey. Eventually Andrew ended up with Anne and they rode some medium ones and we took Grayson back to Annie which is what he wanted to do. We did all get to ride some rides together, like the swings and train.  We arrived to Annie in time to watch a great light and fireworks display from the top deck. It was fun. Anne, Aubrey and Andrew arrived later and we all enjoyed a snack and drinks watching the lights and hearing all the park sounds. 

While Anne, Aubrey and Grayson were 20 minutes into an hour wait for a ride, Andrew said he had to poop. What's a mother to do! She told him to pucker up. Once on the ride, before it started up, Aubrey had to pee! They both made it safely to the potty after the ride. By the way, I got a new picture of Andrew's hat with Andrew in it!

How do six people sleep on Annie - comfortably it turns out. Kerry and I did the V-berth of course, and the Clarks took over the main cabin. 


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